Hear what Aqua Chi Footbath owners and users have to say

Many of our users have made it a point to tell us how pleased they are with their Aqua Chi foot bath units, and we are glad to hear it! We have assembled some of case studies for you to listen to. It will really help you to understand why users are so excited about the Aqua Chi Footbath

Wendy Mathews,
Ottawa, Ontario

“One of the best purchases that I ever made… my clients absolut-ley love it… my kids have not missed school very often since purchasing the Aqua Chi.”

Ron Ingley,
Hattiesburg, MS

“After two treatments my wife’s back pain was completely diminished.”

Pat Everett
Keremeos BC

Fell off of a roof in a sitting up position.
“After experiencing a rapid reduction of the inflammation as well as an overall good feeling in my body, I decided to buy an Aqua Chi.”

Lynda Lupo
Highland NJ

“The aqua chi has been wonderful as part of my [autistic] son’s detox regime”… It’s amazing the turnaround he has had.

Betty Dvorak
Salem MO

Success for a 10 year old boy exposed to toxic mold.

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